Best Natural Face Scrub For Oily Skin.
Having Oily skin is one of the most irritating issues many of us face! The oil secreted by your skin clogs your pores which indirectly causes acne and pimples. Clogged pores get enlarged causing premature aging. An oily skin is also the best breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Dirt sticks to your skin easily too. So if you don’t deal with oily skin you will have to face many other problems later. Don’t panic! Getting rid of excess oil from the skin is easy,you just have to add this scrub to your skin care routine.
How to make?
Make a cup of green tea for yourself in the morning. Squeeze out about one table-spoon of green tea from the left over tea bag in a cup. Take three tablespoons of sugar and add it to the cup. Mix well till you get a good granular paste.
How to apply?
Scrub this mixture over your entire face gently in a rolling motion. Do not press too hard!! We just want to exfoliate (not peel the skin out). Wash it off with luke warm water and pat dry.
Apply aloe vera to moisturize and prevent skin reddening.
1. Make only fresh scrub for yourself! It takes only a minute.
2. Take the smallest granules of sugar you can find. Very big granules cause the skin to tear microscopically!
3. Apply aloe vera after you scrub your face. This helps if you skin is very sensitive like mine!
4. Use this mixture at least once and not more than three times a week for best results!
5. Remove all type of make up before you sleep.
6. Eat Healthy and exercise!
Benefits of Green tea:
Green tea is an antioxidant(which means it inhibits the production of free radicals which harm your skin). It also protects your skin from harmful UV damage. Research shows that green tea is beneficial for skin aging as well. Many beauty products in the market these days have green tea because of it’s endless positive effect on the skin.
Benefits of sugar:
Sugar is the most commonly used product for scrub. It’s granulated texture help exfoliate our skin! I already told you the detailed benefits of exfoliation when we made the lip scrub.
Do try this best natural face scrub for oily skin at home for a few days and let me know the changes you experience!
PS : Don’t forget to drink the green tea you made. Key to a glowing skin is good health inside out
farzana & aliasgarmukhtiar
July 8, 2013 at 7:30 pm (12 years ago)Thanks for Sharing
July 8, 2013 at 7:40 pm (12 years ago)My pleasure Ali
My Say
July 8, 2013 at 9:18 pm (12 years ago)got an oily skin and this looks like a doable remedy
Green tea is what I start my day with..
July 9, 2013 at 1:37 pm (12 years ago)Hahahaha….Jack You want to look beautiful… 😛
Vidhi that is a nice write up..Keep it up..
And Help Jack(MySay) so that he looks beautiful.. 😉
July 12, 2013 at 3:56 am (12 years ago)Im going to write a special post for jack:P so that he can look more beautiful 😛
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